Intimate And Impactful: Underoath Deliver On Secret Show

Photo: Rob Haberman

Underoath released their monumental and highly anticipated Erase Me yesterday to the world but less than 1% of the world got to experience a magical experience. Underoath performed a secret show in Chicago that was originally intended as a showcase but wanted a crowd to be involved. 200 lucky people got to be part of a once in a lifetime moment with the heavyweights on the release day and though no one from our site was there, we were able to grab a few who were to share their experience with us.


The energy felt unreal. It was chaotic but calm.

The age group in their ranged from like, 24-35 and I realized every single person in that room were the true fans. The ones who’ve been there since day one. The energy felt unreal. It was chaotic but calm. I couldn’t stop smiling/laughing because of just how crazy it’s been for them. The energy they had on that tiny stage gave me life. Every single person in that room had an insanely good time. – Keren Leahy (Photo Courtesy Of Keren)

This small intimate show will be something I never forget. Thanks Underoath for all the music you make and the amazing opportunities you create for your loyal fans to experience it.

One of the biggest names in post-hardcore music, Underoath, returned to their underground roots for a free secret show at the Subterranean in Chicago, IL. With only two hundred people allowed in, you can bet that the loyal fans of the Florida based band were gearing up for a high energy show as they waited out in the cold for hours to see the boys in Underoath.

As the band entered the stage, the whole crowd was cheering and ready to move for the sake of motion. Tim McTague and Aaron Gillespie started out with a tight drum cadence that eventually led into the bands new single

Tim McTague/Photo: Rob Haberman

“On My Teeth.” People were screaming the words right back at Spencer Chamberlain as he got up in the faces of the fans.

After the single, Underoath kicked it old school and played “It’s Dangerous Business Walking Out Your Front Door.” As always, the crowd delivered on screaming the hook “drowning in my sleep” and proceeding to mosh as hard as they could. The next two songs in the set were from Erase Me: “Rapture” and “No Frame.” Even though the crowd wasn’t too familiar with the new tunes, the energy didn’t stop and they kept moving to the music.

Finally, Underoath knew how to please their loyal fanbase by ending the Setlist with two of their biggest songs, “Reinventing Your Exit” and “Writing on the Walls.” The crowd went wild as they sang every word to these songs. The end of “Writing on the Walls” consisted of Spencer standing on top of the concert goers and fans crowd surfing to scream the final hook. 

Spencer Chamberlain Crowd Surfing/ Photo: Rob Haberman
Overall, the night was absolutely a night to remember. As a fan who has only seen Underoath in large show settings such as their Revival Tour, it was an amazing experience to be that close to the stage and scream “I still see your sorrow” right back into Chamberlain’s face. This small intimate show will be something I never forget. Thanks, Underoath for all the music you make and the amazing opportunities you create for your loyal fans to experience it.- Matthew Wieda
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