Shinedown Rock St Petersburg at Planet Zero Release Show


Welcome to Planet Zero! Today, Friday, July 1st, 2022, marked the release day of Shinedown’s brand new album “Planet Zero”. In celebration, the band played a special, free, record release day show at Daddy Kool Record’s in Saint Petersburg, Florida. Whilst a shorter set at 6 songs, it was one of the most energetic, full electric sets I’ve ever seen. Brent, Zach, Eric and Barry took the stage, ripping into “The Saints of Violence and Innuendo”, followed by the self titled track “Planet Zero”. Next up was a step back to their last release with a performance of “Cut the Cord”, before coming back with their latest radio single “Daylight”, which was absolutely breath taking to see live for the first time in person. Brent spoke to the crowd for a few minutes, before Shinedown closed out with 2 of their most popular tracks “Second Chance” and “Sound of Madness”. The concert was live streamed around the world, and followed by a full band record signing.

Shinedown Planet Zero Release Show Set list

  • The Saints of Violence and Innuedo
  • Planet Zero
  • Cut the Chord
  • Daylight
  • Second Chance
  • Sound of Madness

Shinedown Performing Planet Zero

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