Self Help Interview With Bad Omens

Bad Omens

This was Soundlink Magazine’s first time ever covering Self Help fest and whats the best way to do it other than in Orlando, FL where it was the first time for the fest also?! We were able to score two awesome interviews and the first one was with our buddies in Bad Omens! We had done one with them at Warped Tour this past summer but due to tech issues it never got put out so we redid it here! We also have a band sponsor so be sure to check them out also!

Band Sponsor: Raviner

With a sound that blends the nuanced composition of pop and singer-songwriter music with the power and dynamics of hard rock, Raviner is a band declaring their own direction and writing their own rules. Based out of Nashville, the band has constructed a sound that aims to catch the listener off guard, seamlessly shifting from powerful intensity to quiet, careful stillness, and back again.

The group unveiled their sound in 2014 as KAMBER, but it wasn’t until 2016 that the group solidified their lineup and the quartet Raviner was born. Raviner released their debut EP, ‘[DISCONNECTED]’, in Fall 2016, followed up shortly afterwards with a three-part self-produced audiovisual film to accompany the record.

The group released their self-produced follow-up EP, ‘Beast’, in June 2017, which marks a creative departure from the debut EP. Borrowing from the aggressive down-tuned guitars and intricate drumming of metalcore, as well as the layered synth ambiance of dark pop, ‘Beast’ takes listeners even further into the unique world that Raviner is creating. In addition to shaking up the scene locally in Nashville and creating buzz online through social media, the band is promoting their new release through consistent regional touring.

The name is pronounced RAH-vih-nur. The “ra” is a short a like “apple”, the “vi” is a short i like “little”, and “ner” is like “nerd” or “sir

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