Nonpoint Guitarist BC Kochmit Announces Departure


Nonpoint guitarist BC Kochmit took to social media today to announce that he will be departing the band he’s been a part of for 5 years. Kochmit posted;

I don’t know how many miles I’ve traveled or how many faces I’ve seen in my career. I don’t even know how to begin to count them. What I do know is that every single one of them was a blessing. For over 2 decades I’ve lived an amazing life doing what I love for a living, but over the last 20 years I’ve amassed a great debt. Borrowing from the bank of trust my family has in me afforded me the opportunity to be who I am. I am truly blessed with real love. The kind of love that withstands countless tear soaked goodbyes and FaceTime holidays. The kind of love that stretched across oceans on Mother’s Days and Thanksgivings. What I’ve asked of them is indeed remarkable. Furthermore, I’ve borrowed too much from my own physical body. Ignoring all the aches, pains, and back problems so that I do not deprive a single fan of the energy they deserve. I can ask no more of my family or my body. The bill is due and I’m a man of my word. It is with an extremely heavy heart that I must face the reality that after the Taste Of Madison show on August 30th it is finally time for me to step down and retire from touring full time.
To my brothers in Nonpoint, sharing the stage with you has been truly a blessing and an honor that I will never ever forget. From befriending you guys on your first headlining tour when I was opening for you in Switched in 2001, to when the stars finally aligned and you welcomed me into the fold as a true member of this amazing band, you are and forever will be family to me and that will never change. I wish you all nothing short of the very best and much more continued success from the bottom of my heart. I will always be there to write music with you and do whatever I possibly can for my Nonpoint family. I am Nonpoint for life. The thing I will miss the most though, is looking over my shoulder and seeing my 4 brothers absolutely dominating those stages and giving nothing less than 110% every night. Elias, Robb, Rasheed, & Adam, I love you all more than each of you will ever possibly know. Thank you for all the amazing memories, the unmatched chemistry, your brotherhood, but most importantly … thank you for your understanding.
To all my crew family throughout the years, not one of those shows would have happened without you. You are the real true hero’s of rock and roll. I salute each and every single one of you. Thank you all for everything.
To every fan that ever banged their head, put their fist in the air, shouted the lyrics, or jumped into the pit, you have given me the strength to make it this far and I love you all.
This is not the end of the music. Music is who and what I am. Music consumes my soul. I will always write and compose new music, but I promised myself that I would not watch my daughter grow up through an iPhone. I have to keep that promise. It is time to turn the page and begin the next chapter of my life. I now have to go where I am needed the most. Home.

From everyone here at Soundlink, you will be missed brother, but enjoy your time with your family looking forward to what you have next! To everyone else. You still have a chance to give BC the send off he deserves, check out their remaining dates with HELLYEAH below.

Nonpoint Tour Dates

08/13 Wichita, KS – The Cotillion
08/14 Oklahoma City, OK – Diamond Ballroom
08/16 Houston, TX – House Of Blues
08/17 Dallas, TX – House Of Blues

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