Emery Says “Gay Is Ok” On New Record


When it comes to controversies or things to get people talking, it seems when a band aligned with a religious background and does something seemingly normal, the world loses their minds. We all remember the hilarity that occurred when Underoath said ‘fuck’ on their new record as well. While none were said, none were also given on this new release coming in November from Emery.


2007 Clarksville High Volleyball State Champions Gay Is Ok

That was a ton to read right? Well that is also the name of the song that will be on ‘Eve’, the new record from Emery, which premiered exclusively on the BadChristian podcast recently. Two official singles are also out now as well, ‘Safe’ and ‘Is This Real Life’ both of which will be linked below. The story with this song, however, is on the podcast in which it premiered, frontman Toby Morrell begins to tell a story about seeing an older gay man and thinking about his upbringing before America was ok with people being openly gay. He talks about wondering if he ever found love and happiness because of the times back then or how his life was keeping that a secret so he wrote a song from his perspective on how it may have been for that man growing up.

The title we are told comes from a joke or experiment Emery did in 2007 touring with Switchfoot in which they wrote this now title on their van to see how others would react, being both Switchfoot and Emery are Christian bands. We find out it did enough for the tour manager at the time for Switchfoot to ask them to take it off.

Full Review Coming This Week

We do have an early copy of this record in which we will provide a review of everything on it later this week. For now, stream the singles below!

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