Convictions Hold Nothing Back On ‘Hope For The Broken’

hope for the broken

It can be easy this day in age to fade away after an album or so especially for newer growing acts. Many get signed and release a record then disappear. This is not the case for Convictions on their second release for Invogue Records Hope For The Broken. The Follow up to 2016’s I Will Become is bigger, louder, and hits you harder both lyrically and musically.

Hope For The Broken

Bigger IS Better

While we see many of their fellow counterparts of metalcore following the traditional model, Convictions here do not play by the rules. Sure you have the screaming and singing but the execution will surprise the listener at times, hitting you in ways you didn’t expect. It has been awhile since a metalcore album has been a roller coaster instead of being predictable. Even the first two singles that were released Voices and Deceptive Heart are vastly different and do not sound like they belong on the same record.

Michael Felker, frontman, has unleashed some powerful vocals on this offering too. On I Will Become we heard mostly mid-range to low screams while on Hope For The Broken we hear some higher areas resembling fellow Ohio powerhouse Mike Hranica of The Devil Wears Prada. He also gives Fit For A King frontman Ryan Kirby a run for his money in a few areas holding out long powerful lows for an extended period of time, something that Kirby has become known for live and on recordings. 

Guitarist Joshua Canode also takes a step up on this record as well, incorporating some of the nu-metal licks that have made its way into the genre over the last couple of years also. Unlike bands like who have fully added songs into their catalog, Josh hasn’t gone all the way into that area which is much appreciated because it adds some extra flavors without bringing in the whole meal. The breakdowns here are also harder hitting, while the last offering had layers of ambience and effects which were beautiful, we get in your face breakdowns with haunting effects behind them.

We also find some very unique guest appearances from Chris Rotter of Like Moths To Flames, The Storm Will Pass, and JT Woodruff of Hawthone Heights, To Sleep Is To Feel, both adding one of those surprises mentioned above. Also it’s an Ohio family reunion, Ohio IS for lovers, right JT?

Not Holding Back

It’s known that Convictions incorporate their Christian faith in their music though they aren’t a band to preach from stage but rather promote inclusion and acceptance to any and all. With that being said, there is a ton of hurt and pain on this record lyrically which causes the music to be so heavy. This record is certainly one many can grab and hold close because of the messages in these songs.

Whether you’ve been burned and hurt by people who claim to love God or someone you fell in love with to telling yourself you’re not worth it, anyone can take something away from this album. Voices lends to those dark days of self doubt and not feeling good enough to False Witnesses lending to followers of Jesus hurting others to Never Wanted It This way to missing a former lover.

Hope For The Broken closes with the title track speaking to all of us hurting in some ways, wondering if things and bad seasons of life will ever get better. Something everyone, regardless of a faith or not, can grab and relate to.

Hope For The Broken is out June 1st via Invogue Records.
Pre-Order HERE.

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