It is hard to believe that #twentyninescene is wrapping up in a few weeks when it feels like it just began. Then again, we have the #RAWRINGTwenties to enjoy for ten years right? Something that never changes no matter the year is reflecting on and enjoying the music that was the soundtrack for your year. For music lovers, this can mean tons of music which is why here at Soundlink, we have Part 1 in which we reflect on our favorite EPs.
1. Nightly- Talk You Down

The synthpop act, Nightly, tops our list here with their EP Talk You Down. The calm, sleepy vibes are perfect for those late summer night drives or evening sunset hangouts with your friends. It was one of the soundtracks to our summer, allow it to be yours in 2020.
2. Drive!Drive!- Love / Hate

Much like Nightly, Drive!Drive! bring the fun, summer-style vibes on Love / Hate. So this winter season when you miss that taste of warmth and innocent summer fun, go on an *ahem* Drive!Drive!, and let Love / Hate be your soundtrack.
3. Sleeptalk- Desert Daze

Sleeptalk is a band that has seen some transformation over the years while maintaining their artistic integrity. They have morphed more so into a pop-heavy band vs their rock side while still incorporating that old flavor. Desert Daze is a nice listen that’ll satisfy you while yearning for more.

One thing I love doing when writing these every year is when friends get written about. I have several others who have made good music this year who didn’t make this list, so I remain objective. However, when some friends do make this, it’s an honor. VRSTY combines everything you love about metalcore while also bringing a boyband style pop sensibility to it. Think N*Sync with breakdowns. Mosh and dance this holiday season with BLCK.
5. Osatia- All In Time

When it’s #twentyninescene, you have to have music from that era coming back. That’s where Osatia comes in. Bringing in their own flavor to it, you can’t help but get a sense of nostalgia for old Sleeping With Sirens and Pierce The Veil. All In Time scratches that huge itch we have had for that style of music coming back. Not mention the band built up a small cult following over the last year with their single and message in We Care, a song about seeking help and not being alone in struggles.
The Rest Of The Best:
6. Awaken I Am- The Beauty In Tragedy

7. Shinigami- Zero

8. Captives- Ghost Like You

9. Vagrants- Separation

10. Dealer- Soul Burn

11. Too Close To Touch- I’m Hard To Love, But So Are You vol. 1-3.
*While these are 3 EPs they will be ranked as one due to being part of one series*

12. Inclination- When Fear Turns To Confidence

13. Stasis- My State Of Decay

14. Hundredth- Indescent

15. Bilmuri- Wet Milk/Rich Sips