Album Review: Parkway Drive Reverence


Parkway Drive has come a long way and has done a lot since forming in 2003. They
just released their sixth studio album, Reverence, which continues to show their hardcore
rock style. This album, much like their previous album Ire, keeps true to their heavy sound
while also showing their growth as a whole. Fans of Parkway Drive may be split on this one
though, as it is a bit different. But listening back to older stuff really puts into perspective
the direction they’ve been going.

Track Summary

They begin the album with their first single, “Wishing Wells”. This song starts with a
soft intro with a quiet-spoken bit that leads to heavy screaming and guitars as it picks up
the pace. The intensity continues through the next couple songs until “Cemetery Bloom”
slows things down with little drums, quiet guitars and soft-spoken words throughout. That
leads into another single off the album, “Void”, which goes back to the hardstyle. “Shadow
Boxing” starts with an intro containing slow guitar riffs, piano, and clean vocals leading into
the heavier rhythms with the screaming, loud drums, and distorted guitars. They end the
album with a very low key, stripped down song. “The Colour of Leaving”. The tempo
remains slow for the entire song, with no drums at all, ending with a spoken word from the
vocalist with no instruments behind him.

The Hot Take

Reverence utilized a lot more clean vocals and softer intros than they usually do. Their previous album Ire was actually the first studio album containing clean vocals.
Continuing this new direction for them showcases the growth that they are willing to
undergo. This album may be very different for longtime fans, but you can still hear Parkway Drive’s true style in many of these songs. They still are powerful and aggressive, but including
more of the clean and quiet sound just makes the heavy aggression that much more so. I
urge fans to give this album a listen, not just once then write it off, but many times. Take
time to really listen and hear their messages and intentions. The record is very well written and we certainly recommend checking it out if not buying it. Also, keep an eye out for our interview with Winston McCall, frontman, from Carolina Rebellion.

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