Album Review: ISLANDER- Grammy Nominated


I first heard of Islander almost a decade ago when I saw them open for P. O. D. and I’ve been a fan ever since. They may not get as much recognition as mainstream alternative metal bands, but they should. Especially considering the gems they keep putting out, and their latest does not disappoint. “Grammy Nominated” is the title of their latest album and my very first thought every time I listen to it is “Man, this is heavy!”. These guys put in a lot of hard work, gathering fan funds since last summer to produce this record, and I think those fans will be very pleased. 

Right out of the gate their song “Witch” sets the tone for the rest of the album. They enter immediately with heavy drums, fast guitar riffs, intense vocals, and headbanging breakdowns and carry that through the entirety of the album. “Weight of the World” is a fast-paced song that starts with screaming vocals and steady rhythms. Then its speedy solo drops deep into a pit-worthy breakdown, slowing things down before bringing it right back. 

Blasting beats, ripping riffs, booming breakdowns, this album has it all. Do you want a slow, soft song to break up the flow a bit? This isn’t that kind of album kids, strap in because this record is a thrilling ride through and through. I highly recommend this album to any, and all metal fans, and I would not be surprised if it at least gets nominated for Metal Album of the Year.


  • Witch
  • We’re All Too Young To Die
  • Ritual Of Death
  • What A Time To Be Alive
  • Dark Ride
  • Show Me Where It Hurts
  • Weight Of The World
  • Serpents & Daggers
  • Die Dreaming (Morir Sonando
  • Kayfabe
  • Psalm Of Eternia
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