Craig Owens Releases New (DEMO) D.R.U.G.S Single King I Am


Check it out! Craig Owens has released the first D.R.U.G.S single in 9 years. In a recent interview with Forbes magazine Owens spoke with Brian Leak about the new single and more. When asked why he choosing to release the new single under D.R.UG.S instead of a new project, he stated.

FORBES: Let’s talk about this new song. After all this time, why did you decide to release it under the D.R.U.G.S name as opposed to starting a new project?

OWENS: Well, D.R.U.G.S. was originally set up as my band post-Chiodos. This was something I had always planned on doing. I just wasn’t ready to do it until now.

When asked if there is a new D.R.U.G.S album on the way and what it sounds like Owens said.

FORBES: So is this a sign of a new D.R.U.G.S. album on the way?

OWENS: So, I’m not exactly sure what’s next, but I am writing the next D.R.U.G.S. album. I started writing it in early December. This song was written in early December. It was produced by my friend Hiram Hernandez. I’ve been working really hard on the album and that’s where my focus is.

FORBES: What does a D.R.U.G.S. album sound like in 2020?

OWENS: I think “King I Am” is very indicative of what is to come on the album. I want to write an album that is high-energy, that is motivational. Nothing that’s too whiny or self-deprecating. It’s time to step up and communicate something that I believe is missing in that world right now. I hope to team up with a bunch of my producer friends. I love working with other people, but I do have a very focused vision for this.


Again, this is just a demo according to Owens, but the single will be released everywhere on March 3rd. You can purchase the song VIA Bandcamp HERE

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