A Day To Remember Embraces new sound with NEW track “Degenerates”


Stream “Degenerates” on ALL major music platforms HERE

Last night Neil Westfall replied to an Instagram post claiming a brand new song “Degenerates” would be released today at 10amEST.

A Day To Remember fans flocked to their preferred streaming service at 9:50am, not knowing if the new track was going to lean toward their latest, new age rock/electronic sound ( “Rescue Me” – Marshmello x A Day To Remember Official Music Video ) or if it would be an in your face nod to their classic pop-punk/metalcore sound that made them so popular in the mid-late 2000’s

Released at 10amEST(As promised) via FueledByRamen Records, to some peoples joy(and other’s dismay) you will hear that “Degenerates” leans toward the former “New age rock soundscape” vs the latter.

According to Day Play MPE, this song is a single from an upcoming album entitled “You’re Welcome.” The release date for the album is unclear at this time, but at the rate they’ve been going, probably some time before 2020.

Earlier this year, ADTR camp also announced a 34 city tour entitled “The Degenerates Tour” with I Prevail & Beartooth.

Tickets for this tour are available now: HERE

What do you think about A Day To Remember’s new sound?

Are you going to the tour? Which date?

Let us know what you think in the comments!


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