my ticket home

We sat down with My Ticket Home on their recent tour with Nothing More in Charlotte, NC. The band was gearing up to release the record ‘Unreal’ which is now out and had a ton of hype behind it. The band sort of went ghost on us for a year or so before emerging with a new record deal with Spinefarm Records and new album.

The interesting thing is that 2014’s ‘Strangers Only’ showcased the numetal style being brought back before it really resurfaced in 2015. Now, we have an album that dropped the nu and brought in the grunge. In the interview we discussed the changes within the band and the music style along with their new label experience vs the time spent on Rise Records. Watch the interview below and read the review of the album under that!

Let’s Get UNREAL

The moment My Ticket Home announced this record everyone got interested. The scene metalcore styled band of the late 00s was now one that resembled the late 90’s. The album is covered in guitar effects and croon style singing. The first song ‘Thrush’ sucks you in with how catchy it is and the effects on the guitars. Instantly the vocals resemble Kurt Cobain in some way at times, and others they resemble Chester Bennington. That style of singing of those two singers in one person is insane to think about, but it exists.

Standout Trax

Every record will have some appeal to it for the listener. Sometimes it’s the whole body of work, other times there are some gems that resonate with you more than the rest. For My Ticket Home, the tracks on ‘Unreal’ are ‘Flypaper’ and ‘Hyperreal’.

Flypaper probably has one of the best hooks on the whole record. The vocals soar while the music pauses to let them be heard. It then progresses from the hook into a more older style of the band with the screams and heavy guitars. Vocally on the hook, the vocals resemble that of Chester Bennington, which is a huge compliment for any rock singer.

Hyperreal is the most interesting song overall on this record in my opinion. Sure, the whole album screams late 90’s, but this song, the music video, the guitar sounds, it all encompasses that style. This song is the most fun to sing to because of the vocal patterns in the hook. It’s like Chevelle, Deftones, and Nirvana all had a love child and named it Hyperreal to be completely honest. This song just has a groove to it that forces you to feel like you’re back in that era of music.

Overall, My Ticket Home has a great record to tour on for a couple of years. Something that is certainly refreshing in today’s music. The rawness of the style and sound with the crooning, raspy singing is perfection. If you haven’t heard this record yet, go pick it up today!

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